Make-Up Challenge

Make-Up Challenge

Did you have fun last month? I had a blast with the 12 Day Makeup Challenge! My makeup skills have been upgraded to the next level, along with my makeup collection. Last week’s Black Friday sale contributed to my new makeup obsession. You would think I am a professional makeup artist with my new found confidence, but I am still an amateur.

I have a redefined respect for makeup artists. The skills it take to create a masterpiece is astonishing. The coins you spend to add to your arsenal of makeup and tools is staggering. Your creativity and imagination is to be admired. The price you charge for your services should not be under valued.(But if you want to throw a discount my way, I will not block it)

Before the challenge, I found it a little intimidating to create a full face, but now it’s addicting. If I see a new makeup product that pops up on my feed, I click and add to my cart. Instead of watching the news in the morning, I am using my time to slay my face. When I am putting together my outfit of the day, I am creating my makeup look in my head. Extra time on the weekends are utilized to test out wild and bold colors. As the saying goes, “practice makes perfect.”

You may see me around town every now and then without makeup on or just Carmex on the lips, don’t be surprised. Please stop and say Hi! Makeup is an extra bonus but not a necessity. This challenge has reminded me that my bare face is a beautiful masterpiece and makeup adds to the beautiful hue.

Do you leave the house without makeup?